These are the ones that I look most forward to:

Glee on Fox returns tonight at 9pm! I get my inner nerd out on this show. I'm a sucker for singing shows and I love seeing how they remix current songs!

Boardwalk Empire! Excellent series and I like that it's something Noah and I can watch together! It returns this Sunday, Sept 16th at 10!

Grey's Anatomy. I've stayed pretty loyal to this show even when it got pretty boring for a bit, but the last episode was sooo good! Can't wait for it to return on the Thursday, Sept 27th at 9:00!

Dexter is one of my guilty pleasures for sure! I never thought I would ever like a serial killer! The last episode was awesome and I can't wait to see how the writers will do with this season! It returns Sept 30th on Showtime!

Not sure why I like this show so much but I do. I hate scary movies but there is something about this I can't get enough of! Another series Noah and I get to watch together. He leaves the room if I'm watching Glee or any other reality talent show or Teen Mom lol!
There are some new shows I'm thinking of watching too.
The New Normal
Last Resort (solely to see Scott Speedman, drool...)
I've also heard I should watch Breaking Bad, The Newsroom, and Downtown Abbey.
Gosh, I'm literally going to turn into a couch potato with this list of shows! Thank goodness for DVR. Best thing since sliced bread!
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