Friday, May 29, 2015

Big Girl's Room

I've had so many home projects I have been dreaming up lately and one of them has been to re-do the girls' room. With the new baby coming, I want the girls to have a nice space and be able to sleep in the same room with each other. I loved how it turned out!

The state of the room before was just blah! Toys everywhere and remnants of nursery that used to be. The first task was to purge toys! They seriously had way too much! I think I filled 5 trash bags full!

I bought them bunk beds in the hopes they would start sleeping together. We used the top bunk to store laundry I was too lazy to put away, and I shared the bottom bunk with Lily, hahaha!

I knew I wanted to fill the wall space with a gallery of sorts. I found all of this in one day from Hobby Lobby, TJ Maxx and Marshalls. The picture frame in the middle is from K-Mart and the collage of photos is from Minted. The illustration not hanging is from the talented Martha Napier. I won a mother's day Instagram contest with her and Old Navy and she blew me away with this special gift!

We found this fun frame from Two Women and a Warehouse in Savannah and I just added some string and mini clothes pins to interchange fun art work from the girls. If you're local and you have not checked them out, run!

I took these rod iron tea cup planters from Ava's tea party birthday party and spray painted them. I'm using them to store hair ties and sorts! Its a perfect addition to the room!

I took an idea from Pinterest about using wire baskets as book shelves. I found these three from Home Goods and spray painted them. I hung them with command hooks and added some of the girls' favorite books. Voila! 

I added new bedding! I love the cute patterns and lighter colors for the room. It brightens the whole space. And see that chevron rug? I also found this steal from the same consignment store as the picture frame and it was only $16! I was ready to spend over $50 on one so I'm so happy I stumbled across it! 

I left a couple of things from the old nursery. Ava and Lily's announcements and baby hats they came home from the hospital in :) 

I found this nice cubby organizer from Walmart for $68! It's great quality and was so easy to assemble! At first I was thinking about painting it white but I love how the weathered wood looks in the room! I'll eventually replace the pink baskets I think with some wicker ones. But I used what I had for now to store and hide their toys. 

Now that I am done with this room it will be on to the nursery! I can't wait to reveal my exciting plans with you! 

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Baby Cruzan Update

So in my last post I was having a bit of anxiety after the last doctor's appointment. After a concerning sonogram, we were referred to a specialist to check out the baby and officially measure the baby's nuchal translucency.

On Monday, I went in for what I thought was blood work and an in depth ultrasound. They did an ultrasound first. The sonographer was very nice and she talked me through the whole thing. It was nice to see the baby's heart beat and see it wiggling and turning around in my belly, happy as a clam. She then waited patiently for baby to get in the right position so she could get her measurements. Thankfully, the baby was very cooperative and she was able to get three to four good measurements. I asked her how things were looking and she was saying she wasn't getting anything over 3 which was good.

She finished and said she's get the doctor in to talk to me. When Dr. Baker came in to talk, he said though my measurement (2.6) was above average, it was not alarming. Anything over 3 would be cause for concern. I was so happy to hear that. He then said it was optional whether I wanted to go ahead with the blood test, which would be a better determinant of whether the baby was at risk for Down Syndrome or any other trisomy abnormalities. I was happy enough with the result to opt out. I didn't want to give myself more to worry about.

I'm so relieved that the outcome from the visit was a positive one. Now I feel like I can breathe and start to enjoy the pregnancy.