Wednesday, April 7, 2010

First Play Date

Today was a big day for me and Ava because it was my first outing with her by myself. We met Cassie, Thomas, and their new baby, Riley. I was nervous Ava would start crying while I was driving but she was my perfect angel. Of course I had to time the trip just right. I made sure to leave the house right after she was done with her 10:30 feeding which left me three good hours until her next feeding. I pre-packed her diaper bag, put the stroller in the car, and made sure I took Paxx out so we could leave right after I fed her. The trip to the bank was a breeze and so was my trip to Michael's. I got to Panera and that's where I felt a little overwhelmed. First of all it was packed and pushing the stroller in there was difficult. I felt in the way of everyone and I was scared I couldn't find a table without blocking everyone's path. Then they called my name to go pick up my food. Well I couldn't leave her so I had to tackle the crowds again and then try to balance my hot soup and push the stroller back to the table I was hoping was not already taken. Today I was reminded it's not just me anymore. But once I sat down I felt more at ease. I know I'll get better at this with each trip I make by myself with her. If I was feeling like that with one kid I can't imagine the moms that have to do that with multiple kids. Sheesh, I have a new found respect for mommies, especially single moms.

Hahaha, these pictures are just for fun when I googled stressed mom. I didn't exactly feel like this but I know I'm bound to feel like these moms one day.

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