Thursday, May 10, 2012

Ten on Ten

I came home for lunch today. Ava was watching tv in this get up. She loves to wear glasses the wrong way.This kid cracks me up constantly.

Feed me Feed me! Lily loves her cereal. On to bananas and sweet potatoes next!

I don't know why I look so happy. I'm headed back to work.

Oh yeah. Afternoon snack time!

These flowers my daddy bought us. They are such a beautiful deep purple!

Summer classic. BBQ chicken, pasta salad and corn on the cob for dinner.

Paxx sits with his paws crossed. How fancy.

We took Ava to the playground after dinner. She was a happy camper!

Sliding down with daddy. Grandma and Lil watch in the background :)

Love the way Lily is looking at my mom here! Too cute!

Ah ha, hush that fuss momma gotta move to the back of the bus! With two car seats and a Mimi, momma has to sit in the back of the bus! Yippee! I get to watch Narney!

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