Have you been naughty or nice?
Shopping online, I've come across some items I'd like to add to my Christmas list!

1. Monogrammed sweaters from Old Navy. They only have select initials but they have both of mine!
2. casual black booties from Target. Love the tassels!
3. Vicious dog tee from joa + closet. I think this shirt is too funny! We owned a Rottweiler and he was the opposite of vicious! Also loved how they dressed this tee up!
4. I love the colors in this plaid scarf from the Gap!
5. I don't have a thing for foxes but I do have a thing for fun socks! These are adorable also from the the Gap!
6. Just the fox, ma'am sweater from Modcloth. I've been a sucker for all the animal graphics on sweaters!
Would any of these make you list?
pretty amazing