Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Q&A With Me!

Happy Wednesday everyone! How about a little fun Q&A with me!?

My friend, Sara, of Grace in Chaos and fellow insta-friend/momma tagged me to answer ten questions. I'm tagging Emily of With Style and Grace and Paige of Style This Life to answer my questions at the bottom of this post!

What inspires you to keep blogging? Blogging is my outlet to release my creativity and it's also a great stress reliever for me. I also blog about my kids and family so it's a great way to keep memories because I have a crappy memory.

What is your favorite family tradition? Getting together for the holidays. Anytime spent with family is a good time. I cherish making memories together!

If you could go back in time and talk yourself ten years ago, what would you say? At 22 years old, I still had my momma. I would tell myself to spend every minute with her. I'd also tell myself to learn how to cook pho (my mom's famous recipe). Sadly, it's lost forever. Miss her every day.

What are your hobbies? I love a good DIY craft project.

What is your greatest achievement? Hands-down it would be my three kids. They have changed my world.

What is your guilty pleasure? I have my teeny bopper moments. I am not ashamed that I listen to Justin Beiber and at least half of the Jonas Brothers :)

What is your favorite kind ice cream? Dippin' dots! I get so excited when I see places sell it! Rainbow Ice is my favorite flavor!

What is your favorite part of blogging? I love sharing good deals and finding inspiration from other bloggers. Blogging has also introduced me to some amazing women that have provided so much encouragement created some great friendships

Describe your dream vacation. Anywhere by the ocean!

How do you take your coffee? I basically drink my sugar/cream with a little coffee haha. I like the lightest roast possible, three splendas and two creamers :)

Okay, ladies. Here are my questions for you! Feel free to pass this game of Q&A on too!

1) What advice do you have for beginner bloggers?
2) What is one thing not many people know about you?
3) What is one of your pet peeves?
4) What is your favorite food?
5) What is the most challenging part of parenting?
6) Why do you blog?
7) If you could have a super power, what would it be?
8) What is go-to recipe for you?
9) What song is in your head at this moment?
10) What is your favorite beauty product?

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