Thursday, June 28, 2018

Savannah Influencers Night On the Rooftop: SIxCCAC

"Using influence to promote a positive change. We all have a unique purpose in this world. This is ours." 

I joined the Savannah Influencers group two years ago and I could not be prouder of what we have achieved in just a couple short years. Don't mistake us for just a group of bloggers. We are a powerhouse group of women of all different backgrounds that have one common goal- We want to use our influence to make a difference in our community. 

This group has been amazing to be a part of and I am inspired daily by these women!

Last week, we hosted a kick-off event to introduce our 2018 give back partner, Coastal Children's Advocacy Center. CCAC is a private non-profit center that provides a safe, confidential, child-friendly site for investigative and therapeutic services to victims of child abuse. 

 It was a beautiful summer night up on the rooftop at one of Savannah's newest rooftop bars, Peregrin. Our goal for the night was to raise $2,000. The money will go toward transforming CCAC's interview room into a more welcoming and calming environment for the children that visit the center.  The funds will also go to providing snacks for the children. I am happy to say we reached our goal! 

The turn out for our event was wonderful and we are so grateful for the Savannah community for being so generous and helping us reach our goal! 

I look forward to sharing more about our partnership with CCAC throughout the year and I hope you'll follow along! 

Location: Peregrin 
Photography by: Southern Lens Photography

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