Our man is 9 months old already. He is crawling all over the place and his favorite thing is beating me to the puppy's water bowl! He is pulling up on everything and can stand on his own for a few minutes before plopping on his bottom. He likes walking with his push toy and loves being chased! He is a wiggle worm now when I have to change his diaper. I have to distract him or else he will try to roll over mid change!
His new thing is mimicking sounds. When he gets really excited he makes the funniest sound with his nose. He is a little above average in height (28.5 inches) and weight (20 lbs.).
We are practicing the waving motion when we say hello or good-bye. He loves to clap his hands.
He is very impatient when you don't feed him snacks fast enough. His favorites are veggie straws and puffs.
He is already fitting in 12 months clothes and wears size 3 diapers. He is breastfeeding like a champ still and I am hoping we will continue it until he turns 1 in November.
He is definitely a momma's boy. When I leave the room or don't pick him up right away when I arrive at daycare he starts crying.
He has a total of 6 teeth (4 at the top, two at the bottom). He's not the best sleeper either, takes after his sisters in that department.
Overall he is a very easy going baby and we just love him to pieces. I can't believe we will be planning his birthday party soon!

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