Thursday, April 14, 2011

Baby Fever

I can probably count on two hands how many people I know that are pregnant right now. There must be something in the water. And I will admit it's making me want to be pregnant again. It makes me miss getting excited when you first find out, rubbing my Buddha belly, hearing the first heartbeat, seeing the baby for the first time, and feeling the baby flutter inside.

Noah and I are not actively planning but we are also not purposely preventing this time around.

Some may think it's too soon, but right now I would be okay with being pregnant again. I don't want to get to the point where I'm over it. Let's face it. Pregnancy is not all flowers and unicorns all the time. There was the sacrifices, the swollen feet, bed rest, stretch marks, morning sickness.... the list goes on and on. So I don't want to get to the point I don't want to go through that again. I also don't know how easy it will be to even have another baby and I don't want to be so confident and be disappointed.

So that's what I have been feeling lately.... Ava could use a sibling right?

So I guess stay tuned...

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