Ava Lately

Ava Lately:
At her last well check appointment, Ava weighed 18 lbs. and is 28 inches long.
She has two bottom teeth otherwise its still gummy smiles
She does alot of jib jabbering but I think she knows dadda and momma :)
She's crawling all over the place and couch/ottoman surfs. And a couple of times she's stood up for 2 seconds before realizing nothing was holding her up
She is drinking 4 oz bottles and eats baby food and any other mashed up foods. She is able to feed herself finger foods
She is still wearing some of her 6m clothes but we've moved to 9m clothes
She is a happy girl. She loves to be chased. She has a funny laugh, I can't even describe it. It sounds fake lol
She can wave hi and bye by opening and closing her fingers
she just learned to clap and anytime she sees people clapping she drops what she's doing to join in, so cute!
haha speaking of not sleeping through the night, ava's up... gotta go...
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