Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day and Happy New Year!

This year Vietnamese New Year landed on Valentine's Day. I'm spending it in my hospital room so that's not too fun, but the staff just delivered me a flower and a cupcake :)

I had visitors earlier but they left for a bit. I should take this time to take a nap but I thought I make a quick post first.

Noah's been great. He's had quite a honey-to-do list since I've been stuck here since Friday, but he's handling it well. It's been hard for me to rely on other people but I need to learn and accept all the help I can get.

The baby seems to be settled so that's a relief. I'm still 2 cm dialated so hopefully that won't change with the help of the drugs I'm on. I have an ultra sound tomorrow so I'm excited to see a glimpse of her. Maybe if things keep going well I can go home tomorrow. But now I'm thinking I might just want to stay here. At least here I know I can't go anywhere and hender my progress. Plus, people have been waiting on me and that's been nice. I can't move when I get home anyway. I would love to get home and clean the house and organize the nursery but that's not going to happen so I'm not sure why I want to go home so badly.

Okay, I think it's time for a nap. Hope this year is a good year. So far so good :)

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